Your Coach

Hey, I'm Monet!

Mindset Coach, Meditation Teacher, & Content Creator


If you are here then you probably are feeling stifled, bored, or in a serious need of a vacation from your reality! I've been there, and am here to tell you that creating the life of your dreams- the one you never need a vacation from- is not only possible, it can be easy and effortless. 

Combining science, intuition, and the laws of the universe I transformed my life from anxiety ridden, mundane, unfulfilling days to a reality that makes me excited to wake up and fills my soul with purpose, peace, and a lot of fun!

A few years ago I had just finished my MBA. I was working in a family business, made a nice income, had a wonderful, supportive partner, took a nice two week vacation each year- by most standards you could say I was living the "American Dream." The only problem was I hated living it! Living for the weekend and my sacred two weeks of vacation was draining me. I knew I was meant for so much more and that I could not wait until retirement to start living a life that fulfilled me.

Desperate for change I went to an event hosted by Tony Robbins, Gary V, and Robert Herjavec, and got a taste of subconscious reprogramming. I spent the next two years learning neuroscience, how the subconscious mind works, meditation, neural energetic wiring and encoding, the laws of the universal, and how I could make my dream life inevitable. I realized that I had the power to create a different reality for myself.  

"My anxiety was lessening by the day, my alarm clock no longer filled me with dread, and opportunities I hadn't yet let myself dream of started showing up in every aspect of my life. "


I grew up without financial security and had made all of my choices leading to that point with the goal of staying financially stable and as predictable as possible. I asked God and the universe to send me a sign if I should pursue this calling to leave my safety net and not only change my life- create a program to change the lives of thousands of women just like me. 

At this point I was taking a really high dose of anti-anxiety medication and having multiple panic attacks a week. I decided to try self-hypnosis, and while it didn't disappear, my anxiety decreased. Without panic attacks taking up all my free time, I started searching for a way to learn even more about science, the subconscious mind, and the laws of the universe. I attended 9 masterclasses/open houses for various programs that focused on neuro-linguistic programming, energetic healing, and emotional freedom techniques. Then I found Yes Supply. 

I enrolled with the hope that I would get clarity on my next career move and continue to ease my anxiety. Over the next five months my anxiety was lessening by the day, my alarm clock no longer filled me with dread, and opportunities I hadn't yet let myself dream of started showing up in every aspect of my life.

I sat down with my husband feeling clarity and confidence as I told him my soul needed to launch a coaching program. I was all in, and because he had seen my own transformation, he was too. 

Over my two year journey of self led learning and my training with Yes Supply I had become a confident, bold, fulfilled, coach. I became a better wife, friend, and sister. I began healing in ways I never imagined-  body, mind, and soul. I had stopped living for weekends and vacations and found that my days were filled with purpose that lit me up inside and out.  

I KNOW you can create the life of your dreams because I have been right where you are. You have all the internal resources you need to make your dreams an inevitable reality. You just need a tour guide to lead you back to the limitless, intuitive soul within- I can't wait to watch her come alive. 


xoxo, Monet

"Think of me as your tour guide to your highest self, the person your soul knows you are meant to be."

My Signature Method


Vision To Victory


Once I saw the transformation in my own life I put my strategic management and logical brain to work reverse engineering exactly how the changes happened.

Vision to Victory was created and fine-tuned to reignite your limitless potential. Over the course of the program you will release limiting beliefs and habits, gain massive clarity on what your dream life looks and feels like, easily and effortlessly create the habits and rituals that make your success inevitable, and fall deeply in love with your higher self in the process.

This program includes 12 modules of transformative tools and techniques to guide you through releasing past and present emotions, reprogramming neural pathways to support your biggest goals, and the exact process I used to manifest remarkable results and unlock my soul's potential.  

This isn't just another self-development course. This is the catalyst for a total transformation of your emotional health, self-image, relationships, friendships, career, finances, and identity. Once you've seen your souls potential you will have the skills and confidence to create the life of your dreams. It's not just possible, its inevitable. 


Grab Your Copy


90 Day Productivity Planner


Once you've shifted your mindset, habits, rituals, and beliefs its time to make your dream life your inevitable reality- this planner was designed to help you do just that!

The interior pages contain monthly spreads, daily schedules, habit tracking, to-do lists, future planning, affirmations, and an hour by hour appointment scheduler. The planner is undated so you can use it to achieve your goals at any time of the year. Designed for every aesthetic you are sure to find a colorway that makes you feel like the unstoppable, magical woman you are. 

Available Now on Amazon


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